July 6, 2022

Wellness: Dr. Chuck DeGroat (Rebroadcast) on When Narcissism Comes To Church, Pastors Who Abuse, How Elder Boards Can Recognize Ingratiation, and The Many Sides of a Narcissist

Wellness: Dr. Chuck DeGroat (Rebroadcast) on When Narcissism Comes To Church, Pastors Who Abuse, How Elder Boards Can Recognize Ingratiation, and The Many Sides of a Narcissist
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Wellness: Dr. Chuck DeGroat (Rebroadcast) on When Narcissism Comes To Church, Pastors Who Abuse, How Elder Boards Can Recognize Ingratiation, and The Many Sides of a Narcissist

In light of recent events with elder boards making decisions on allegations of abuse by pastors, a rebroadcast on one of our more popular and requested guests, Dr. Chuck DeGroat, seemed timely. Dr. Chuck DeGroat is Professor of Counseling and Christian...

In light of recent events with elder boards making decisions on allegations of abuse by pastors, a rebroadcast on one of our more popular and requested guests, Dr. Chuck DeGroat, seemed timely. Dr. Chuck DeGroat is Professor of Counseling and Christian Spirituality and Interim D.Min. Director at Western Theological Seminary  and faculty member for the Soul Care Institute.

He is an author, speaker, consultant, and therapist.

He is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America. He pastored in Orlando and San Francisco before transitioning to training and forming pastors. His experience includes training clergy in issues of abuse and trauma, pastor and planter assessments, church consultations, and investigations of abuse among pastors and within congregations. He has been featured on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast by Mike Cosper at Christianity Today in regards to the abuse of staff by pastor Marc Driscoll.

Chuck has been married to Sara for 27 years, and has two adult daughters.

He is the author of:

  1. When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community from Emotional and Spiritual Abuse
  2. Leaving Egypt: Finding God in Wilderness Places
  3. Wholeheartedness: Busyness, Exhaustion and Healing the Divided Self,
  4. Toughest People to Love: How to Understand, Lead, and Love the Difficult People in Your Life -- Including Yourself.

Follow Dr. DeGroat's work on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

*Several books are mentioned in this podcast that help in learning to discern the patterns of pastors who bully, intimidate and coerce their staff when it is not easy to see from the outside and is not something everyone on staff experiences.

(If you are on a church elder board, or a church hiring committee, I highly recommend these books):

  1. A Church Called TOV: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing by Dr. Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer
  2. Something's Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse and Freeing Yourself From Its Power by Wade Mullen
  3. Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church by Dr. Diane Langberg

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Lori Adams-Brown, Host & Executive Producer

A World of Difference Podcast