Dec. 8, 2023

Norma Braga Venâncio's Courageous Journey of Advocacy, Justice and Exposing Abuse in Brazil in Faith-Based Spaces

Norma Braga Venâncio's Courageous Journey of Advocacy, Justice and Exposing Abuse in Brazil in Faith-Based Spaces
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Norma Braga Venâncio's Courageous Journey of Advocacy, Justice and Exposing Abuse in Brazil in Faith-Based Spaces

Does the experience of abuse within religious communities sound familiar to you? Have you been told to simply pray it away and forgive without addressing the pain and trauma you've endured? The weight of carrying this burden alone can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling unheard and powerless. But there is hope for healing and empowerment beyond these ineffective actions.

Does the experience of abuse within religious communities sound familiar to you? Have you been told to simply pray it away and forgive without addressing the pain and trauma you've endured? The weight of carrying this burden alone can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling unheard and powerless. But there is hope for healing and empowerment beyond these ineffective actions.

Brave survivor turned advocate, Norma Braga Venâncio, exposes the export of abuse within Brazil's faith-based spaces, sparking a courageous fight for healing and justice against the very institutions meant to protect.

In the depths of her devotion, she never anticipated the painful truth that awaited her. As she embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, she uncovered a reality that shattered her perception of her faith community. The unexpected twist in her story will leave you captivated and yearning for resolution. Join us as we unravel the gripping tale of Norma Braga Venâncio's courageous journey.

My special guest is Norma Braga Venâncio

Norma Braga Venâncio, a theologian, image consultant, and author hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a remarkable figure in the domain of women's empowerment and theological discourse. Her profound understanding of the impact of abuse on personal theology, self-esteem, and relationships, backed by her own experiences as an abuse survivor, amplifies the authenticity and depth of her work. Norma's commitment to shedding light on the sensitive intersection of faith and abuse, coupled with her warmth and compassion, makes her an invaluable resource for those seeking healing and empowerment. Through her compelling writing and speaking, Norma has emerged as a guiding light, offering solace and insight to survivors of abuse within religious communities in Brazil and beyond.

We have to be aware and protect the wife above the marriage. - Norma Braga Venâncio


In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Uncovering the hidden truth about abuse in religious communities.
  • Understanding the impact of neocolonialist Christianity on self-image and abuse.
  • Embracing a holistic approach to self-esteem for empowerment.
  • Identifying the dangers of religious power and oppression for a safer future.
  • Building safe and healing environments for survivors to thrive.

Understanding the impact

The fallout of abuse is multidimensional, touching not only the survivor's physical space but also their mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Norma's personal journey of navigating the aftermath of abuse offers a raw insight into the lasting damage. Recognizing the need for informed support, she underscores the critical need for both empathetic understanding and professional therapeutic channels for survivors to embark on their path to recovery.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Follow Norma Braga Venâncio on Twitter at @NormaBragaVenancio for more of her writing and speaking on theology, self-image, and abuse survivor advocacy.
  • Join the A World of Difference Patreon community at to access exclusive interviews, including an in-depth conversation with Norma Braga Venâncio about her personal experience as an abuse survivor and her strategies for healing.
  • Connect with Lori Adams-Brown on Twitter at @Loriadbr and on Instagram at @LoriAdamsBrown to share your own stories of making a difference and stay updated on upcoming podcast episodes and content.
  • Visit to get 10% off your first month of professional therapy and counseling services. Take the first step towards healing and self-care with the support of trained professionals.
  • Educate yourself on abuse and trauma by reading books and listening to survivor stories. Understanding the impact of abuse can help you better support survivors in their healing journey.
  • Consider amplifying the voices of abuse survivors and advocating for transparency, truth, and protection within faith-based spaces. Together, we can work towards creating safe and healing environments for all individuals.

Read books about abuse, listen to stories, and let yourself be educated, because it's very important. Abuse is something that you have to be educated. It's not simple to understand. - Norma Braga Venâncio

Embracing a holistic approach

Addressing abuse necessitates a comprehensive approach that considers all facets of human existence, including the cognitive, emotional, and aesthetic dimensions. Norma, amalgamating her theological and image consultation backgrounds, proposes a new paradigm. It includes healing from trauma, restoring self-image, instilling a sense of worth, and reclaiming one's identity as a significant and valued member of the community.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Trigger Warning and Sponsorship Message


00:02:29 - Introduction to Norma Braga Venâncio


00:04:40 - Norma's Personal Journey with Abuse and Theology


00:09:14 - Challenging Traditional Theology and Addressing Abuse


00:15:46 - Impact of Abuse on Women's Perception and Faith


00:21:52 - Neocolonialist Aspect of Christianity


00:23:43 - Theological Insight on Self-Esteem


00:26:43 - Integrating Theology and Image Consultation


00:31:06 - Dangers of Religious Power


00:37:41 - Supporting Survivors of Abuse


00:44:34 - The Church Two Movement in Brazil


00:46:16 - Impact of Abuse on Survivors


00:47:07 - Exposing Abusive Pastors


00:48:53 - The Work of Justice


00:52:55 - Exclusive Interviews and Community


Don't try to save the marriage when you see the wife is being destroyed. Save the wife first. - Norma Braga Venâncio

Uncovering the hidden truth

Abuse within religious communities often remains concealed due to the shroud of respect, trust, and reverence surrounding these institutions. In this episode, Norma Braga Venancio courageously delves into the unspoken issues, revealing the uncomfortable realities. She challenges the status quo, inspiring others to confront hidden truths that could potentially be harbingers of abuse thus, advocating for transparency in religious realms.

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:02 - Trigger Warning and Sponsorship Message

Lori gives a trigger warning about the discussion of childhood sexual abuse and introduces the episode's sponsor, Betterhelp, before sharing her personal experience with therapy.


00:02:29 - Introduction to Norma Braga Venâncio

Lori introduces Norma Braga Venâncio, highlighting her background as a theologian, image consultant, and abuse survivor. She praises Norma's knowledge, warmth, and expertise in addressing the intersection of theology, self-image, and abuse.


00:04:40 - Norma's Personal Journey with Abuse and Theology

Norma shares her personal experience of realizing her own abuse after attending a conference by Diane Langberg in 2015. She discusses the impact of abuse on her perception of self and faith, leading her to integrate theology and image consultancy to help women.


00:09:14 - Challenging Traditional Theology and Addressing Abuse

Norma discusses her shift in speaking to women about biblical femininity after realizing the impact of abuse. She reflects on the challenges she faced in her community after deciding to publicly address the issue of abuse and pastoral malpractice.


00:15:46 - Impact of Abuse on Women's Perception and Faith

Norma delves into the effects of abuse on a woman's self-perception and her relationship with faith. She emphasizes the need for a theology of image concerning women, highlighting the cultural influence of neopuritanism and its impact on Christian women's


00:21:52 - Neocolonialist Aspect of Christianity

Norma discusses the neocolonialist aspect of Christianity and the impact of exporting cultural aspects to South America, particularly Brazil. She emphasizes the importance of embracing beauty and art in the gospel message.


00:23:43 - Theological Insight on Self-Esteem

Norma delves into her theological research on idolatry, pride, and self-esteem. She emphasizes the significance of a positive self-image and its relationship to abuse, challenging traditional theological perspectives.


00:26:43 - Integrating Theology and Image Consultation

Norma discusses her approach to integrating theology and image consultation to help survivors of abuse rebuild their self-image. She emphasizes the importance of engaging both the left and right brain for healing.


00:31:06 - Dangers of Religious Power

Norma highlights the dangers of religious power and the need for awareness within religious communities. She urges individuals to learn from survivors' stories and educate themselves about abuse to better support survivors.


00:37:41 - Supporting Survivors of Abuse

Norma provides practical advice for supporting survivors of abuse, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the well-being of the survivor over preserving the marriage. She encourages learning from survivors' stories and educating religious leaders about abuse.


00:44:34 - The Church Two Movement in Brazil

The conversation starts with a discussion about the #ChurchTwo movement in Brazil and the hope for beauty to emerge from the ashes.


00:46:16 - Impact of Abuse on Survivors

The impact of abuse on survivors, including the difficulty in processing trauma and the importance of speaking out and preventing abuse, is highlighted.


00:47:07 - Exposing Abusive Pastors

The discussion shifts to the work of a journalist in the United States who has exposed abusive pastors, and how this has impacted awareness in Brazil.


00:48:53 - The Work of Justice

The importance of justice, restoration, and reconciliation in addressing abuse, and the need for faith-based spaces to be places of healing and protection, is emphasized.


00:52:55 - Exclusive Interviews and Community

The host encourages listeners to join the difference maker community for exclusive interviews and deeper conversations about making a difference.




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Keep making a difference wherever you are!

Lori Adams-Brown, Host & Executive Producer

A World of Difference Podcast


1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,458 Welcome to the A World of Difference 2 00:00:04,458 --> 00:00:06,606 podcast. I'm Lori Adams Brown, and this 3 00:00:06,606 --> 00:00:08,446 is. A podcast for those who are different 4 00:00:08,446 --> 00:00:11,914 and want to make a difference. This 5 00:00:11,914 --> 00:00:13,774 episode comes with a trigger warning. If 6 00:00:13,774 --> 00:00:16,506 you have experienced sexual assault or 7 00:00:16,506 --> 00:00:19,966 sexual abuse in any form, just be aware 8 00:00:19,966 --> 00:00:22,958 that we will be discussing the story of a 9 00:00:22,958 --> 00:00:25,366 particular abuse survivor where she shares 10 00:00:25,366 --> 00:00:28,726 her own childhood sexual abuse. so if 11 00:00:28,726 --> 00:00:29,942 that's something you've walked through 12 00:00:29,942 --> 00:00:32,086 feel free to take this in chunks or to 13 00:00:32,086 --> 00:00:35,526 pause the episode and ground yourself and 14 00:00:35,526 --> 00:00:37,986 just take care of yourself So listener 15 00:00:37,986 --> 00:00:40,694 Discretion Discretion is This podcast 16 00:00:40,694 --> 00:00:43,286 episode episode sponsored by Betterhelp 17 00:00:43,286 --> 00:00:45,786 Betterhelp. has been a a where I have been 18 00:00:45,786 --> 00:00:47,638 able to receive some therapy that's helped 19 00:00:47,638 --> 00:00:49,990 me walk through some emotional 20 00:00:49,990 --> 00:00:52,206 psychological and spiritual abuse in a 21 00:00:52,206 --> 00:00:55,918 toxic work environment And the the that I 22 00:00:55,918 --> 00:00:57,486 work with at Betterhelp has helped me with 23 00:00:57,486 --> 00:00:59,402 a lot of grounding techniques some somatic 24 00:00:59,402 --> 00:01:02,666 work self care principles that I've 25 00:01:02,666 --> 00:01:05,538 implemented into my life in order to work 26 00:01:05,538 --> 00:01:10,066 in in ways to help me work through the 27 00:01:10,066 --> 00:01:11,726 trauma.One of the aspects of trauma is 28 00:01:11,726 --> 00:01:14,370 that our bodies may go back in time even 29 00:01:14,370 --> 00:01:16,466 though our brains are aware that we're 30 00:01:16,466 --> 00:01:19,214 here And now part of our body is going 31 00:01:19,214 --> 00:01:21,718 back into the traumatic event And so a lot 32 00:01:21,718 --> 00:01:23,266 of the work I've done with my therapist at 33 00:01:23,266 --> 00:01:24,802 Betterhelp has been really helpful to 34 00:01:24,802 --> 00:01:27,958 ground me that I'm here it's now and I'm 35 00:01:27,958 --> 00:01:30,406 safe But those are things that if your 36 00:01:30,406 --> 00:01:32,246 Body and brain have walked through any of 37 00:01:32,246 --> 00:01:34,426 that you know what I mean And so some of 38 00:01:34,426 --> 00:01:35,818 those techniques can be can lot of hard 39 00:01:35,818 --> 00:01:37,386 work and professional help is something 40 00:01:37,386 --> 00:01:39,002 I've needed to walk through that And 41 00:01:39,002 --> 00:01:41,066 that's the case for many of us who've 42 00:01:41,066 --> 00:01:42,846 walked through trauma and abuse of any 43 00:01:42,846 --> 00:01:45,086 kind But if you just find yourself find a 44 00:01:45,086 --> 00:01:47,950 relationship a difficult with conflict any 45 00:01:47,950 --> 00:01:50,446 type of relationship Betterhelp is ready 46 00:01:50,446 --> 00:01:52,974 there to help you And I am happy to say 47 00:01:52,974 --> 00:01:55,554 that they sponsor this podcast for us here 48 00:01:55,554 --> 00:01:57,666 which makes a difference And difference. 49 00:01:57,666 --> 00:02:01,106 you go to difference today 50 00:02:01,106 --> 00:02:03,682 you can get 10 off your first month which 51 00:02:03,682 --> 00:02:06,610 is our gift to you to help you get 52 00:02:06,610 --> 00:02:08,958 better.And although you're making although 53 00:02:08,958 --> 00:02:10,822 difference wherever you are taking care of 54 00:02:10,822 --> 00:02:13,654 yourself is important too And we want you 55 00:02:13,654 --> 00:02:14,966 to be making a difference making your own 56 00:02:14,966 --> 00:02:17,126 life And as you care for you then you can 57 00:02:17,126 --> 00:02:19,462 also care for others So please go to 58 00:02:19,462 --> 00:02:23,658 difference to get 10 59 00:02:23,658 --> 00:02:25,994 off your first month Today we have an 60 00:02:25,994 --> 00:02:28,646 outstanding guest on today's show.I am 61 00:02:28,646 --> 00:02:31,278 thrilled to introduce to you if you've not 62 00:02:31,278 --> 00:02:33,546 yet heard of her and followed her work in 63 00:02:33,546 --> 00:02:35,150 writing and speaking Norma Christina Braga 64 00:02:35,150 --> 00:02:41,166 Venancio she Christina Braga friend that I 65 00:02:41,166 --> 00:02:43,054 a known for a while through Twitter a had 66 00:02:43,054 --> 00:02:45,646 the honor to meet with in person a couple 67 00:02:45,646 --> 00:02:47,470 times when I was in Rio recently in Brazil 68 00:02:47,470 --> 00:02:49,858 and share a couple of meals with her 69 00:02:49,858 --> 00:02:51,490 including in her home Norma is an 70 00:02:51,490 --> 00:02:54,082 incredible person very knowledgeable and 71 00:02:54,082 --> 00:02:58,054 great researcher and speaker and writer 72 00:02:58,054 --> 00:03:01,186 She's speaker theologian an image a and an 73 00:03:01,186 --> 00:03:03,510 author and she is currently writing a book 74 00:03:03,510 --> 00:03:05,362 on Christian women's self Image which 75 00:03:05,362 --> 00:03:07,866 includes the impact of abuse on personal 76 00:03:07,866 --> 00:03:10,934 theology self esteem and relationships She 77 00:03:10,934 --> 00:03:14,166 herself is also an abuse survivor and so 78 00:03:14,166 --> 00:03:18,090 she brings and experience into her writing 79 00:03:18,090 --> 00:03:20,634 her theology and her speaking.And I think 80 00:03:20,634 --> 00:03:23,294 that you along with me are going to find 81 00:03:23,294 --> 00:03:24,670 that she is full of incredible knowledge 82 00:03:24,670 --> 00:03:28,542 and wisdom and also a warmth that draws 83 00:03:28,542 --> 00:03:30,574 people in and gives many of us 84 00:03:30,574 --> 00:03:32,922 psychological safety just in her presence 85 00:03:32,922 --> 00:03:34,942 to share our own stories and to find our 86 00:03:34,942 --> 00:03:36,322 way through to healing through her 87 00:03:36,322 --> 00:03:39,314 research and her work and her writing So 88 00:03:39,314 --> 00:03:42,366 really thrilled to welcome today really 89 00:03:42,366 --> 00:03:45,770 the way from Copacabana in Rio my new 90 00:03:45,770 --> 00:03:55,042 friend Norma.Hi Norma It's so great to see 91 00:03:55,042 --> 00:03:57,542 your face again there in Rio after we got 92 00:03:57,542 --> 00:04:00,266 to meet in person just a few weeks ago I'm 93 00:04:00,266 --> 00:04:03,226 so a to get to talk to you about this to 94 00:04:03,226 --> 00:04:06,986 today Yeah welcome to the World of 95 00:04:06,986 --> 00:04:08,490 Difference podcast.Thank you I'm very glad 96 00:04:08,490 --> 00:04:14,714 too It's wonderful that we are not only 97 00:04:14,714 --> 00:04:17,534 Twitter friends but we got to meet in 98 00:04:17,534 --> 00:04:18,830 person and share a couple of meals 99 00:04:18,830 --> 00:04:21,470 together including share a in your home in 100 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:24,538 Copacabana which is really special for me 101 00:04:24,538 --> 00:04:28,100 and my teenager And I think you and I both 102 00:04:28,100 --> 00:04:30,126 realized that we shared and very instant 103 00:04:30,126 --> 00:04:30,994 connection because of previous experience 104 00:04:30,994 --> 00:04:34,562 and because of the work we care about with 105 00:04:34,562 --> 00:04:36,722 justice in our faith environments So it's 106 00:04:36,722 --> 00:04:39,510 exciting.I'm excited to have this 107 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:41,254 conversation with you today First off for 108 00:04:41,254 --> 00:04:44,774 our audience that doesn't yet know who you 109 00:04:44,774 --> 00:04:47,814 are I'm sure there are many listening 110 00:04:47,814 --> 00:04:49,734 maybe in Brazil or in the United States 111 00:04:49,734 --> 00:04:51,546 that have heard of you and your work but 112 00:04:51,546 --> 00:04:53,466 Would love for you just to start With 113 00:04:53,466 --> 00:04:55,002 sharing a bit about your background and 114 00:04:55,002 --> 00:04:58,410 also what led you to focus on this 115 00:04:58,410 --> 00:05:00,540 intersection of theology self image And 116 00:05:00,540 --> 00:05:04,246 abuse and the work that you do.Okay It's 117 00:05:04,246 --> 00:05:10,714 abuse, big story because I am a published 118 00:05:10,714 --> 00:05:18,674 author here in Brazil conferences in the 119 00:05:18,674 --> 00:05:21,970 Reformed environment and I have many 120 00:05:21,970 --> 00:05:27,654 pastors friends who share this theology 121 00:05:27,654 --> 00:05:30,070 the traditional theology reformed 122 00:05:30,070 --> 00:05:33,762 theology.But I wasn't aware of this 123 00:05:33,762 --> 00:05:40,650 problem of abuse.I think I was letting 124 00:05:40,650 --> 00:05:51,514 aside the fact that I am a woman I can say 125 00:05:51,514 --> 00:05:55,774 it now after all this The a that I am say 126 00:05:55,774 --> 00:06:00,014 woman was not important I wouldn't look 127 00:06:00,014 --> 00:06:02,666 that it And then in 2015 when Diane 128 00:06:02,666 --> 00:06:06,466 Langberg came here to Brazil to a 129 00:06:06,466 --> 00:06:11,522 conference a reformed conference and she 130 00:06:11,522 --> 00:06:15,750 began to speak about a about a women and 131 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:18,630 trafficked women.And I was listening as if 132 00:06:18,630 --> 00:06:22,726 oh okay she's talking about abuse and 133 00:06:22,726 --> 00:06:26,150 making my notes And suddenly I had this 134 00:06:26,150 --> 00:06:31,002 insight oh I was abused I was abused And 135 00:06:31,002 --> 00:06:37,994 it was terrible because all my life it 136 00:06:37,994 --> 00:06:42,798 happened when I was 14 and the man was 40 137 00:06:42,798 --> 00:06:48,846 and he was a friend of my father So it was 138 00:06:48,846 --> 00:06:51,262 in and familiar environment.We were on a 139 00:06:51,262 --> 00:06:56,062 trip and I thought it was a Normal 140 00:06:56,062 --> 00:07:00,242 seduction an affair And I wasn't able to 141 00:07:00,242 --> 00:07:07,378 see myself was a victim And it came as a 142 00:07:07,378 --> 00:07:10,790 big surprise a bad surprise.It as very 143 00:07:10,790 --> 00:07:15,334 painful I cried came lot a her conference 144 00:07:15,334 --> 00:07:22,186 I could exchange some words with her I was 145 00:07:22,186 --> 00:07:25,642 very special And then it changed 146 00:07:25,642 --> 00:07:27,994 everything because I wasn't prepared to 147 00:07:27,994 --> 00:07:31,642 see myself as special. victim.I wanted to 148 00:07:31,642 --> 00:07:36,398 see myself as someone with 14 years old 149 00:07:36,398 --> 00:07:43,460 able to a her decisions And I saw it as 150 00:07:43,460 --> 00:07:48,850 like that And this reality of being make 151 00:07:48,850 --> 00:07:52,914 victim was very painful for me And I was 152 00:07:52,914 --> 00:07:55,666 depressed after that fact I couldn't 153 00:07:55,666 --> 00:07:59,510 handle this.And I got some help with a 154 00:07:59,510 --> 00:08:03,922 friend pastor who is fact. psychologist 155 00:08:03,922 --> 00:08:09,066 and he helped me to get out of the worst 156 00:08:09,066 --> 00:08:12,294 of my depression And then I continued with 157 00:08:12,294 --> 00:08:15,110 therapy till to I'm on therapy with 158 00:08:15,110 --> 00:08:19,430 another person who is a specialist in 159 00:08:19,430 --> 00:08:24,030 abuse and trauma And I read a lot of books 160 00:08:24,030 --> 00:08:27,706 to understand all this because what was my 161 00:08:27,706 --> 00:08:30,142 main concern when I went to conferences I 162 00:08:30,142 --> 00:08:35,250 was called to talk to women about biblical 163 00:08:35,250 --> 00:08:40,194 femininity And then I used to expose in 164 00:08:40,194 --> 00:08:46,550 one Peter three where he talks about the 165 00:08:46,550 --> 00:08:51,510 wife submission And as I wasn't aware of 166 00:08:51,510 --> 00:08:56,962 all those questions I used to speak about 167 00:08:56,962 --> 00:09:04,070 submission without thinking of abuse.And I 168 00:09:04,070 --> 00:09:09,770 think this silence was not good for some 169 00:09:09,770 --> 00:09:15,326 women who were listening to me and they 170 00:09:15,326 --> 00:09:21,662 thought oh I have to be more submissive So 171 00:09:21,662 --> 00:09:28,130 it was terrible to find out that my 172 00:09:28,130 --> 00:09:32,482 silence was hurting people And then when I 173 00:09:32,482 --> 00:09:36,658 became to study abuse I changed the way I 174 00:09:36,658 --> 00:09:41,010 spoke to women I was changing And then 175 00:09:41,010 --> 00:09:46,738 into 2020 in the middle of the pandemia I 176 00:09:46,738 --> 00:09:52,620 thought I have to study more this subject 177 00:09:52,620 --> 00:09:57,302 because I want to understand clearly where 178 00:09:57,302 --> 00:10:00,858 is the line when it is abused in the 179 00:10:00,858 --> 00:10:04,282 marriage.And we can't say to understand 180 00:10:04,282 --> 00:10:08,730 abused wife to be more submissive We can't 181 00:10:08,730 --> 00:10:14,562 do that because the abuser will grow will 182 00:10:14,562 --> 00:10:18,750 be empowered So I began to study abuse I 183 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:22,626 said it was long I began to study about 184 00:10:22,626 --> 00:10:29,222 abuse and I was astonished to see abuse. 185 00:10:29,222 --> 00:10:33,222 lot of known very known American leaders 186 00:10:33,222 --> 00:10:38,482 and pastors and authors who are published 187 00:10:38,482 --> 00:10:44,266 here in Brazil a are very admired I was 188 00:10:44,266 --> 00:10:48,678 astonished to see some of them as abusers 189 00:10:48,678 --> 00:10:53,966 and some of them as neighbors.I was like 190 00:10:53,966 --> 00:10:59,086 what is this Why we don't have this 191 00:10:59,086 --> 00:11:01,630 information here in Brazil Because of 192 00:11:01,630 --> 00:11:06,658 course the most part of Brazilian doesn't 193 00:11:06,658 --> 00:11:09,074 speak English.And then I began to study a 194 00:11:09,074 --> 00:11:12,226 lot of information that it saw Internet 195 00:11:12,226 --> 00:11:20,754 part lot of things Here in Brazil we don't 196 00:11:20,754 --> 00:11:24,294 have this amount of information but 197 00:11:24,294 --> 00:11:27,126 information America it incredible We a 198 00:11:27,126 --> 00:11:29,962 find legal documents and in And I was 199 00:11:29,962 --> 00:11:34,140 studying and studying and researching 200 00:11:34,140 --> 00:11:40,226 researchinG And then I spoke about it with 201 00:11:40,226 --> 00:11:43,946 some pastors friends because I thought I 202 00:11:43,946 --> 00:11:49,082 don't know what to do with it.I am a 203 00:11:49,082 --> 00:11:54,594 public voice and I don't feel it's fair 204 00:11:54,594 --> 00:11:55,746 that our Brazilian public is consuming 205 00:11:55,746 --> 00:11:57,202 this literature and listening to these 206 00:11:57,202 --> 00:12:00,850 conferences that are translated here and 207 00:12:00,850 --> 00:12:05,622 they don't know this kind of pastoral 208 00:12:05,622 --> 00:12:10,182 malpractice And then my friends told me 209 00:12:10,182 --> 00:12:13,986 I'd better not touch this subject and lot 210 00:12:13,986 --> 00:12:20,154 in public because people are not prepared 211 00:12:20,154 --> 00:12:24,954 to listen because I have to be careful not 212 00:12:24,954 --> 00:12:28,458 touch see abuse everywhere And then there 213 00:12:28,458 --> 00:12:32,270 is a lot of gossip on the Internet And I 214 00:12:32,270 --> 00:12:35,082 was sad because they were questioning my 215 00:12:35,082 --> 00:12:37,854 ability to discern truth from lie.I was 216 00:12:37,854 --> 00:12:41,470 very trustable when I spoke against the 217 00:12:41,470 --> 00:12:46,622 problem of leftism and woke is and 218 00:12:46,622 --> 00:12:54,754 everything But now I wasn't trustable 219 00:12:54,754 --> 00:12:59,094 anymore because they saw me as going to 220 00:12:59,094 --> 00:13:07,302 the other side And I was accused even of 221 00:13:07,302 --> 00:13:11,782 being a feminist disguised as reformed It 222 00:13:11,782 --> 00:13:15,574 was saw friend that is not a friend 223 00:13:15,574 --> 00:13:22,954 anymore And in fact I lost a lot of 224 00:13:22,954 --> 00:13:30,542 friends because I decided to go public 225 00:13:30,542 --> 00:13:33,458 with all the information I had.And one 226 00:13:33,458 --> 00:13:36,354 friend Pastor Iago Martins told me he'd 227 00:13:36,354 --> 00:13:42,562 like to make a video with my research to 228 00:13:42,562 --> 00:13:45,750 take all the information from my research 229 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:52,374 and make Iago video And now this video has 230 00:13:52,374 --> 00:13:58,426 300,000 views It's a lot And people are 231 00:13:58,426 --> 00:14:00,394 thanking him information all this But in 232 00:14:00,394 --> 00:14:08,246 the circles I used to be known and admired 233 00:14:08,246 --> 00:14:12,960 I feel now that I lost all of it and some 234 00:14:12,960 --> 00:14:17,790 friends too.It's been tough Of course it's 235 00:14:17,790 --> 00:14:23,620 to That's the hardest part I hear very 236 00:14:23,620 --> 00:14:26,882 frequently from people is the loss of 237 00:14:26,882 --> 00:14:30,914 community And it is the unfortunate price 238 00:14:30,914 --> 00:14:32,642 that these particular communities ask us 239 00:14:32,642 --> 00:14:37,254 to pay There are some unwritten rules that 240 00:14:37,254 --> 00:14:41,958 you can be a part of is group as long as 241 00:14:41,958 --> 00:14:46,054 your theology and the words that you say 242 00:14:46,054 --> 00:14:48,338 and even some of those gray areas that you 243 00:14:48,338 --> 00:14:51,786 have to be very black and white the ways 244 00:14:51,786 --> 00:14:55,338 that the are.If you suddenly go into any 245 00:14:55,338 --> 00:14:58,666 nuance it feels like you get shunned And 246 00:14:58,666 --> 00:15:00,394 if you speak publicly especially so And 247 00:15:00,394 --> 00:15:02,014 people that you thought were good friends 248 00:15:02,014 --> 00:15:05,214 that you'd walked through life with and 249 00:15:05,214 --> 00:15:06,670 shared the same values and spirituality 250 00:15:06,670 --> 00:15:10,814 and prayed with which is a very deep 251 00:15:10,814 --> 00:15:12,458 connection spoken with in conferences on 252 00:15:12,458 --> 00:15:13,938 stages suddenly being absolutely gone from 253 00:15:13,938 --> 00:15:17,026 your life while at the same time you're 254 00:15:17,026 --> 00:15:18,926 walking through the reality that you've 255 00:15:18,926 --> 00:15:23,954 been abused and the on of all that and you 256 00:15:23,954 --> 00:15:25,794 needed your community more than ever I 257 00:15:25,794 --> 00:15:28,646 just want to help you Give us a picture of 258 00:15:28,646 --> 00:15:30,310 how does abuse in your experience affect a 259 00:15:30,310 --> 00:15:32,806 woman's perception of herself and her 260 00:15:32,806 --> 00:15:34,566 relationship with her faith.Exactly When I 261 00:15:34,566 --> 00:15:37,398 was better from depression I was in love 262 00:15:37,398 --> 00:15:41,738 with this area of a consultant and I began 263 00:15:41,738 --> 00:15:48,026 to study I studied to be an image 264 00:15:48,026 --> 00:15:52,126 consultant and I decided to join both 265 00:15:52,126 --> 00:15:56,442 theology and beauty So I have this 266 00:15:56,442 --> 00:16:00,638 theology theology and beauty where I 267 00:16:00,638 --> 00:16:04,946 provide the part of image consultant and 268 00:16:04,946 --> 00:16:09,362 also the theological aspects of it because 269 00:16:09,362 --> 00:16:14,530 my clients and the people who come to me 270 00:16:14,530 --> 00:16:21,890 need to listen to the beauty of being 271 00:16:21,890 --> 00:16:25,942 consultant woman because I feel we are 272 00:16:25,942 --> 00:16:30,394 getting all the time wrong messages about 273 00:16:30,394 --> 00:16:37,882 being a woman Like if you are born a woman 274 00:16:37,882 --> 00:16:42,640 so the Bible has only for you things that 275 00:16:42,640 --> 00:16:47,214 you can't do in the church.So there are 276 00:16:47,214 --> 00:16:54,942 those terrible lists of things you can a 277 00:16:54,942 --> 00:17:00,034 you can't do For example only the book of 278 00:17:00,034 --> 00:17:02,606 this book Recovering Biblical Manhood and 279 00:17:02,606 --> 00:17:08,358 Woman Oh gosh I didn't read all of it but 280 00:17:08,358 --> 00:17:14,806 my and did And he has example, lot to say 281 00:17:14,806 --> 00:17:19,930 about it I bet he does.Yeah He thought the 282 00:17:19,930 --> 00:17:24,220 most part was terrible theology And how 283 00:17:24,220 --> 00:17:28,954 can we after so many years of a still have 284 00:17:28,954 --> 00:17:34,134 say terrible theology of women So I am 285 00:17:34,134 --> 00:17:40,030 working I think my main work is to develop 286 00:17:40,030 --> 00:17:42,302 theology of image concerning women because 287 00:17:42,302 --> 00:17:45,950 abuse is Christianity, trauma that a 288 00:17:45,950 --> 00:17:50,482 directly into the image our image So I saw 289 00:17:50,482 --> 00:17:57,110 that my work was big and a little bit 290 00:17:57,110 --> 00:18:04,614 without precedent.I don't have abuse lot 291 00:18:04,614 --> 00:18:10,966 of things ready about image because it 292 00:18:10,966 --> 00:18:16,154 seems that image. in a platonic thought is 293 00:18:16,154 --> 00:18:22,538 less important than the a And we are being 294 00:18:22,538 --> 00:18:26,478 a little platonic when we don't consider 295 00:18:26,478 --> 00:18:29,566 the image something important enough to 296 00:18:29,566 --> 00:18:35,218 deserve image theology It's true And I 297 00:18:35,218 --> 00:18:41,682 think that you and I discussed this are 298 00:18:41,682 --> 00:18:47,582 little bit when I was with you there in 299 00:18:47,582 --> 00:18:53,220 you know at least in the United States we 300 00:18:53,220 --> 00:18:55,606 have a history with our evangelical 301 00:18:55,606 --> 00:18:56,966 Christianity that some of the roots come 302 00:18:56,966 --> 00:19:00,106 from these Puritans And a lot of that 303 00:19:00,106 --> 00:19:00,970 puritanical theology really didn't allow 304 00:19:00,970 --> 00:19:02,794 for States, lot of a history be 305 00:19:02,794 --> 00:19:05,418 expressed.In fact Christianity was a lot 306 00:19:05,418 --> 00:19:08,666 of rejection in a lot of ways of beauty 307 00:19:08,666 --> 00:19:13,198 like you're saying very platonic The image 308 00:19:13,198 --> 00:19:15,774 was not as important Even now I would say 309 00:19:15,774 --> 00:19:18,718 even in some of my missionary circles it 310 00:19:18,718 --> 00:19:21,306 seemed as though some women almost would 311 00:19:21,306 --> 00:19:23,714 be like an evangelical nun almost It was 312 00:19:23,714 --> 00:19:26,114 like if you just didn't wear makeup and 313 00:19:26,114 --> 00:19:30,014 you didn't have a very flattering haircut 314 00:19:30,014 --> 00:19:33,346 and if your clothes were really plain then 315 00:19:33,346 --> 00:19:36,626 it an you were more holy And I know that 316 00:19:36,626 --> 00:19:39,240 some of that theology has come even into a 317 00:19:39,240 --> 00:19:41,874 how that has affected your circles 318 00:19:41,874 --> 00:19:43,298 Yeah.Yes In the Presbyterian world we 319 00:19:43,298 --> 00:19:45,686 don't have rules for women only the 320 00:19:45,686 --> 00:19:47,714 modesty rules And I see that But I see 321 00:19:47,714 --> 00:19:50,070 that inside the Presbyterian world there 322 00:19:50,070 --> 00:19:58,294 is something that we call a neopuritanism 323 00:19:58,294 --> 00:20:04,222 They don't like this word but it expresses 324 00:20:04,222 --> 00:20:14,834 how this mood is being taken to our days 325 00:20:14,834 --> 00:20:20,082 among women.So we began to see here a very 326 00:20:20,082 --> 00:20:25,894 strong emphasis on submission modesty and 327 00:20:25,894 --> 00:20:30,600 even some ideal of a woman A Christian 328 00:20:30,600 --> 00:20:38,922 woman must talk.She can't speak loudly She 329 00:20:38,922 --> 00:20:44,140 can't be strong in a sense of strong words 330 00:20:44,140 --> 00:20:52,910 and strong presence So emphasis lot of 331 00:20:52,910 --> 00:20:58,682 things that began to appear on a media by 332 00:20:58,682 --> 00:21:06,366 young women young very young women twenty 333 00:21:06,366 --> 00:21:10,578 s and twenty something who want to be 334 00:21:10,578 --> 00:21:15,686 Christian women but they are taking these 335 00:21:15,686 --> 00:21:20,182 steps that are not biblical but they are 336 00:21:20,182 --> 00:21:25,350 cultural And from where they take all this 337 00:21:25,350 --> 00:21:30,006 from authors American s that are coming 338 00:21:30,006 --> 00:21:32,666 Here with this theology it's 339 00:21:32,666 --> 00:21:35,898 heartbreaking.It's a bit of taking 340 00:21:35,898 --> 00:21:38,774 neocolonialist aspect of Christianity that 341 00:21:38,774 --> 00:21:42,254 we would export that kind of thing to 342 00:21:42,254 --> 00:21:47,214 South America and know some cultural 343 00:21:47,214 --> 00:21:51,242 aspects that are not biblical and then add 344 00:21:51,242 --> 00:21:55,998 those to the message of the gospel a 345 00:21:55,998 --> 00:21:59,582 export it to somewhere like Brazil which 346 00:21:59,582 --> 00:22:01,982 has beautiful women and it's so much 347 00:22:01,982 --> 00:22:07,010 beauty and art and music and that we would 348 00:22:07,010 --> 00:22:09,686 squash it and make it small especially for 349 00:22:09,686 --> 00:22:11,254 women is incredibly heartbreaking So I 350 00:22:11,254 --> 00:22:14,534 know you write quite a bit about this 351 00:22:14,534 --> 00:22:17,894 You're writing a book about the impact of 352 00:22:17,894 --> 00:22:20,586 abuse You have theology self esteem all of 353 00:22:20,586 --> 00:22:24,694 these Could you sort of elaborate on some 354 00:22:24,694 --> 00:22:26,346 of your key insights or themes that a 355 00:22:26,346 --> 00:22:29,066 emerging for you as you're writing and 356 00:22:29,066 --> 00:22:32,566 researching Yes It all began when I was 357 00:22:32,566 --> 00:22:34,638 doing my work for a master's in theology 358 00:22:34,638 --> 00:22:36,686 here in Brazil in 2015 It began insights 359 00:22:36,686 --> 00:22:38,666 2015 and I was interested in the subject 360 00:22:38,666 --> 00:22:45,042 of idolatry and I wanted to see idolatry 361 00:22:45,042 --> 00:22:48,980 as something relational because in our 362 00:22:48,980 --> 00:22:53,586 world our Christian world we consider 363 00:22:53,586 --> 00:23:00,680 pride the in problem of men and women 364 00:23:00,680 --> 00:23:07,786 Pride is the problem And I saw that not 365 00:23:07,786 --> 00:23:12,940 only pride but a bad self image can make 366 00:23:12,940 --> 00:23:20,006 you be like the other side of pride who is 367 00:23:20,006 --> 00:23:23,806 a kind of self contempt and demeaning of 368 00:23:23,806 --> 00:23:25,886 yourself.And this was very dangerous 369 00:23:25,886 --> 00:23:29,978 because it's an open window to a And then 370 00:23:29,978 --> 00:23:35,230 I began to read about self esteem and I 371 00:23:35,230 --> 00:23:38,398 read this book on the subject because 372 00:23:38,398 --> 00:23:44,462 there aren't almost any books on this 373 00:23:44,462 --> 00:23:50,434 subject of self esteem I read Jay Adams 374 00:23:50,434 --> 00:23:54,438 and I saw a lot of problems there because 375 00:23:54,438 --> 00:24:00,154 he only recognized the problem of pride He 376 00:24:00,154 --> 00:24:04,300 doesn't recognize this problem.And then I 377 00:24:04,300 --> 00:24:07,562 was able to make a big argumentation 378 00:24:07,562 --> 00:24:11,374 against his thought and I was more 379 00:24:11,374 --> 00:24:14,622 conscious of the problem And in fact when 380 00:24:14,622 --> 00:24:20,062 women come to me and they say oh I thought 381 00:24:20,062 --> 00:24:30,260 it's almost the same thing they come and 382 00:24:30,260 --> 00:24:37,814 they a I didn't think my image was 383 00:24:37,814 --> 00:24:42,326 important to God I didn't think my beauty 384 00:24:42,326 --> 00:24:46,902 was important to God And why Because there 385 00:24:46,902 --> 00:24:53,066 is some participation of the culture the 386 00:24:53,066 --> 00:24:55,674 Reformed culture.It's not from nowhere And 387 00:24:55,674 --> 00:25:01,854 then I saw that the God of beauty the to 388 00:25:01,854 --> 00:25:04,894 of beauty loves beauty and he loves women 389 00:25:04,894 --> 00:25:11,258 because he's the creator of women too And 390 00:25:11,258 --> 00:25:16,660 there is all this side of beauty in the 391 00:25:16,660 --> 00:25:23,554 sense of appearance but also in the sense 392 00:25:23,554 --> 00:25:26,674 of connection good relationships and care 393 00:25:26,674 --> 00:25:30,006 for each other that I see that it's being 394 00:25:30,006 --> 00:25:33,542 left aside by a theology that is very 395 00:25:33,542 --> 00:25:38,474 cognitive very Normative So true It's very 396 00:25:38,474 --> 00:25:43,450 left brain and it leaves off half of our 397 00:25:43,450 --> 00:25:47,562 brain.We need the right brain included 398 00:25:47,562 --> 00:25:51,390 because God created that too Right And 399 00:25:51,390 --> 00:25:55,214 especially for anyone who's a through 400 00:25:55,214 --> 00:26:04,506 abuse and trauma I know this firsthand how 401 00:26:04,506 --> 00:26:06,834 important engaging my right brain in my 402 00:26:06,834 --> 00:26:08,706 healing has been actually way much more 403 00:26:08,706 --> 00:26:11,410 than the left brain even though I'm more 404 00:26:11,410 --> 00:26:14,306 of a left brain person including art and 405 00:26:14,306 --> 00:26:17,838 music and dance and expression has been 406 00:26:17,838 --> 00:26:20,286 incredibly impactful in my healing and 407 00:26:20,286 --> 00:26:22,694 surprisingly so And healing lot of that 408 00:26:22,694 --> 00:26:24,486 has included beauty even the beauty of the 409 00:26:24,486 --> 00:26:25,634 outdoors and experiencing that in my 410 00:26:25,634 --> 00:26:30,582 body.So as a theologian and an image 411 00:26:30,582 --> 00:26:35,226 consultant how do you integrate these two 412 00:26:35,226 --> 00:26:38,666 fields when you talk with survivors of a 413 00:26:38,666 --> 00:26:40,426 and help them reimagine and rebuild their 414 00:26:40,426 --> 00:26:42,574 self image Sometimes I see that something 415 00:26:42,574 --> 00:26:45,678 is not right when I talk with people who 416 00:26:45,678 --> 00:26:48,474 come to image consultation and I try to be 417 00:26:48,474 --> 00:26:51,226 very careful and I apply this test 418 00:26:51,226 --> 00:26:53,746 Childhood I forgot them name This ten 419 00:26:53,746 --> 00:27:01,938 question test about the childhood Is it 420 00:27:01,938 --> 00:27:05,910 the adverse childhood experiences the ace 421 00:27:05,910 --> 00:27:14,214 maybe yeah.And if the client is open to it 422 00:27:14,214 --> 00:27:19,260 I apply this and I show her the beauty of 423 00:27:19,260 --> 00:27:26,170 God I show her the beauty of relationships 424 00:27:26,170 --> 00:27:32,990 and then I say it would be very good if 425 00:27:32,990 --> 00:27:42,802 you go to therapy and everything but in a 426 00:27:42,802 --> 00:27:51,970 very careful way And when she wants to 427 00:27:51,970 --> 00:27:56,374 look at it more theologically I can do it 428 00:27:56,374 --> 00:28:03,414 too When we go to the Bible to see how 429 00:28:03,414 --> 00:28:05,206 some persons depicted there were for 430 00:28:05,206 --> 00:28:08,330 example Paul When they were trying to 431 00:28:08,330 --> 00:28:12,314 belittle Paul those who wanted to keep 432 00:28:12,314 --> 00:28:16,154 some Jewish laws they were trying to 433 00:28:16,154 --> 00:28:19,546 belittle Paul And he spoke very firmly.He 434 00:28:19,546 --> 00:28:25,210 didn't let to be belittled So I teach them 435 00:28:25,210 --> 00:28:32,000 that if you are sure of who you are before 436 00:28:32,000 --> 00:28:39,700 God you are not only wanted sinner And 437 00:28:39,700 --> 00:28:44,450 being a sinner is not our ultimate reality 438 00:28:44,450 --> 00:28:51,206 We are redeemed by Christ You are a 439 00:28:51,206 --> 00:28:54,230 daughter of God.It changes everything 440 00:28:54,230 --> 00:28:59,514 Sometimes I think that our reformed world 441 00:28:59,514 --> 00:29:03,514 speak more about sin than about redemption 442 00:29:03,514 --> 00:29:08,710 And it's ridiculous It is It's like we a 443 00:29:08,710 --> 00:29:13,854 always in those steps behind the encounter 444 00:29:13,854 --> 00:29:19,198 with God.And we can't be like this We can 445 00:29:19,198 --> 00:29:23,766 explore more What does it mean to be a 446 00:29:23,766 --> 00:29:30,190 daughter of God It's fantastic And I think 447 00:29:30,190 --> 00:29:34,500 it's left aside when all you do is preach 448 00:29:34,500 --> 00:29:44,630 about sin.Sin yeah And of all places in 449 00:29:44,630 --> 00:29:47,720 Brazil where you have the Christ the 450 00:29:47,720 --> 00:29:50,874 Redeemer statue right of his outstretched 451 00:29:50,874 --> 00:29:54,774 arms It's one of the wonders of the world 452 00:29:54,774 --> 00:29:59,418 that's right there in Rio And it's know 453 00:29:59,418 --> 00:30:01,818 reminder that God's love Is always 454 00:30:01,818 --> 00:30:05,690 available for us that Christ.Did come to 455 00:30:05,690 --> 00:30:08,382 redeem us and his outstretched arms for 456 00:30:08,382 --> 00:30:11,306 the whole world The whole world knows 457 00:30:11,306 --> 00:30:13,906 about this statue and it's right there in 458 00:30:13,906 --> 00:30:15,906 Brazil And then still this theology has 459 00:30:15,906 --> 00:30:20,210 really become so twisted in people's minds 460 00:30:20,210 --> 00:30:22,530 and it's heartbreaking to know that so 461 00:30:22,530 --> 00:30:25,906 many of the origins are here in the United 462 00:30:25,906 --> 00:30:27,938 States As you're speaking and you're on 463 00:30:27,938 --> 00:30:29,366 Twitter you're on YouTube videos and 464 00:30:29,366 --> 00:30:31,750 you're trying to get the word out for 465 00:30:31,750 --> 00:30:35,314 people to understand because you do speak 466 00:30:35,314 --> 00:30:37,654 English and you have researched and you 467 00:30:37,654 --> 00:30:39,274 know there are some pastors and authors 468 00:30:39,274 --> 00:30:41,494 with abusive backgrounds that are being 469 00:30:41,494 --> 00:30:45,974 platformed speaking Brazil What do you 470 00:30:45,974 --> 00:30:48,906 want people in Brazil to know that might 471 00:30:48,906 --> 00:30:50,830 speak English that are listening to this 472 00:30:50,830 --> 00:30:53,994 And what do you want people in the United 473 00:30:53,994 --> 00:30:55,998 States to know about what you're 474 00:30:55,998 --> 00:30:59,786 experiencing in Brazil because of these 475 00:30:59,786 --> 00:31:03,086 Authors that are platformed It's a tough 476 00:31:03,086 --> 00:31:04,606 question.I want to say that when the 477 00:31:04,606 --> 00:31:06,366 Church sees as a problem only the leftist 478 00:31:06,366 --> 00:31:07,714 concerns and everything when we are in 479 00:31:07,714 --> 00:31:09,458 this place where we are conservative above 480 00:31:09,458 --> 00:31:11,586 all sometimes we forgot that the power we 481 00:31:11,586 --> 00:31:22,098 have to be aware of is not only the power 482 00:31:22,098 --> 00:31:31,010 of the civil government but also the 483 00:31:31,010 --> 00:31:38,040 religious power.You can't a about the 484 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:46,586 dangers of governed power without seeing 485 00:31:46,586 --> 00:31:50,102 the dangers of religious power And it was 486 00:31:50,102 --> 00:31:55,760 so obvious But myself I didn't see it 487 00:31:55,760 --> 00:32:01,262 Before I learned that I was abused and I 488 00:32:01,262 --> 00:32:05,646 had to remake all my trajectory of thought 489 00:32:05,646 --> 00:32:14,510 and I wish they would listen It was so 490 00:32:14,510 --> 00:32:17,662 heartbreaking that I wasn't listened by my 491 00:32:17,662 --> 00:32:22,342 friends who trusted me.And now they don't 492 00:32:22,342 --> 00:32:28,502 anymore because for them I going to the 493 00:32:28,502 --> 00:32:33,706 other side So I would say that we have to 494 00:32:33,706 --> 00:32:38,860 to to this thing being more conservative 495 00:32:38,860 --> 00:32:42,394 than Christians and divide the Christians 496 00:32:42,394 --> 00:32:48,862 like this And we have to be more biblical 497 00:32:48,862 --> 00:32:51,262 because the Bible speaks about oppression 498 00:32:51,262 --> 00:32:55,120 and oppression is anymore thing.How we 499 00:32:55,120 --> 00:33:00,194 ended in this situation where when I say 500 00:33:00,194 --> 00:33:03,540 this word oppression everybody is oh she's 501 00:33:03,540 --> 00:33:11,254 a leftist she's a left How we ended there 502 00:33:11,254 --> 00:33:13,814 And I think politics and American 503 00:33:13,814 --> 00:33:16,150 conservatism is coming strongly on Brazil 504 00:33:16,150 --> 00:33:21,214 and we are repeating the same mistakes and 505 00:33:21,214 --> 00:33:28,938 we can't do that So I would say that we 506 00:33:28,938 --> 00:33:33,510 can't repeat the same mistakes We have to 507 00:33:33,510 --> 00:33:37,182 learn from the a stories the a results of 508 00:33:37,182 --> 00:33:40,346 this problem this specific problem think 509 00:33:40,346 --> 00:33:45,878 the United States.There are so many 510 00:33:45,878 --> 00:33:49,822 testimonies about those bad results We 511 00:33:49,822 --> 00:33:53,490 have to learn them because we can't repeat 512 00:33:53,490 --> 00:33:57,154 them And I know in Brazil the situation is 513 00:33:57,154 --> 00:34:00,680 very complicated because we have this kind 514 00:34:00,680 --> 00:34:05,894 of leftism who is authoritarian too We 515 00:34:05,894 --> 00:34:09,302 have this problem, here in Latin America 516 00:34:09,302 --> 00:34:13,370 You know all the situation in Venezuela 517 00:34:13,370 --> 00:34:17,146 and here in Brazil we have so many 518 00:34:17,146 --> 00:34:21,354 admirers of Chavez and Maduro.We have this 519 00:34:21,354 --> 00:34:24,174 problem but we can't buy the other 520 00:34:24,174 --> 00:34:26,814 problem.Those are.I forgot the name but 521 00:34:26,814 --> 00:34:31,374 okay we can't fight this problem with the 522 00:34:31,374 --> 00:34:35,934 flesh We have to be spiritual and see 523 00:34:35,934 --> 00:34:38,302 things spiritually Absolutely I just love 524 00:34:38,302 --> 00:34:39,954 hearing your perspective because you're 525 00:34:39,954 --> 00:34:43,746 not only so good at researching you're 526 00:34:43,746 --> 00:34:46,994 academically I mean you speak many 527 00:34:46,994 --> 00:34:49,640 languages.You we can't French teacher for 528 00:34:49,640 --> 00:35:00,294 a long time and taught at that level But 529 00:35:00,294 --> 00:35:04,314 your English is very good and your ability 530 00:35:04,314 --> 00:35:07,162 to research and understand deep 531 00:35:07,162 --> 00:35:13,018 theological concepts is incredibly helpful 532 00:35:13,018 --> 00:35:15,670 But also just your experience as because 533 00:35:15,670 --> 00:35:16,954 Brazilian walking through the reform 534 00:35:16,954 --> 00:35:22,042 circles and now seeing what you see now as 535 00:35:22,042 --> 00:35:23,486 languages. survivor it's so impactful Your 536 00:35:23,486 --> 00:35:24,606 perspective is very valuable And it's 537 00:35:24,606 --> 00:35:27,074 really heartbreaking to me that you have 538 00:35:27,074 --> 00:35:28,498 entire communities that don't want to 539 00:35:28,498 --> 00:35:32,014 listen to you because you talk about 540 00:35:32,014 --> 00:35:33,426 things like oppression.I agree I'm 541 00:35:33,426 --> 00:35:36,578 flabbergasted that this is the reality 542 00:35:36,578 --> 00:35:39,758 There's a very famous and commonly sung 543 00:35:39,758 --> 00:35:42,390 Christmas Carol that's my personal a in 544 00:35:42,390 --> 00:35:45,846 English oh holy Night And my favorite line 545 00:35:45,846 --> 00:35:48,678 is in his name all oppression will cease 546 00:35:48,678 --> 00:35:51,386 And every year when I sing it increasingly 547 00:35:51,386 --> 00:35:55,142 over the last few years I would say 548 00:35:55,142 --> 00:35:58,714 Especially since 2016 that line feels so 549 00:35:58,714 --> 00:36:03,334 rare to be sung in a church evangelical 550 00:36:03,334 --> 00:36:05,578 church environment.I agree with you How 551 00:36:05,578 --> 00:36:08,926 did oppression become a word that it was 552 00:36:08,926 --> 00:36:11,022 not considered a Christian word to say 553 00:36:11,022 --> 00:36:14,494 when throughout the Bible it Is year theme 554 00:36:14,494 --> 00:36:17,162 of God's heart for the oppressed You have 555 00:36:17,162 --> 00:36:20,722 the Good Samaritan you have Jesus The 556 00:36:20,722 --> 00:36:23,554 theme of Caring for widows and orphans is 557 00:36:23,554 --> 00:36:26,530 throughout the Scriptures people who are I 558 00:36:26,530 --> 00:36:29,266 agree It's not just government They're not 559 00:36:29,266 --> 00:36:31,766 just talking know the Roman government in 560 00:36:31,766 --> 00:36:34,162 the New Testament They're talking about 561 00:36:34,162 --> 00:36:36,614 the Pharisees the Sadducees and modern day 562 00:36:36,614 --> 00:36:38,886 that know the Evangelical Church in the 563 00:36:38,886 --> 00:36:41,858 United States and in Brazil It might look 564 00:36:41,858 --> 00:36:43,622 something like some of the reform 565 00:36:43,622 --> 00:36:47,210 circles.I don't know We want to say it's 566 00:36:47,210 --> 00:36:50,278 only like something big like the Catholic 567 00:36:50,278 --> 00:36:52,986 Church but it's not exclusive to them So 568 00:36:52,986 --> 00:36:55,494 my question for you is how can knowing 569 00:36:55,494 --> 00:36:58,910 these oppressive elements in our faith 570 00:36:58,910 --> 00:37:01,374 based spaces and starting to recognize the 571 00:37:01,374 --> 00:37:03,214 if someone is in and they're starting to 572 00:37:03,214 --> 00:37:05,582 get a little bit of an insight just now 573 00:37:05,582 --> 00:37:07,146 hearing this like you did when Diane 574 00:37:07,146 --> 00:37:08,846 Lamberg spoke how can individuals and 575 00:37:08,846 --> 00:37:10,514 communities really better support these 576 00:37:10,514 --> 00:37:13,682 survivors of abuse in their journey as 577 00:37:13,682 --> 00:37:16,238 they heal and work towards self 578 00:37:16,238 --> 00:37:19,762 empowerment Yeah The first thing is learn 579 00:37:19,762 --> 00:37:22,706 from them learn from the stories learn 580 00:37:22,706 --> 00:37:24,646 what is abuse Because here in a we have 581 00:37:24,646 --> 00:37:26,790 some good publications about the subject 582 00:37:26,790 --> 00:37:28,514 but sometimes pastors are so overwhelmed 583 00:37:28,514 --> 00:37:31,434 with all the preaching and everything and 584 00:37:31,434 --> 00:37:34,774 they left it aside And then when in like 585 00:37:34,774 --> 00:37:37,322 this happened in the church they don't 586 00:37:37,322 --> 00:37:44,846 know how to respond and it's terrible 587 00:37:44,846 --> 00:37:50,574 because they don't know what to do And 588 00:37:50,574 --> 00:37:55,354 it's very difficult because the stories 589 00:37:55,354 --> 00:37:59,858 now that I am talking about it on social 590 00:37:59,858 --> 00:38:05,220 media and making conferences about it 591 00:38:05,220 --> 00:38:09,766 people are coming and been saying Norma I 592 00:38:09,766 --> 00:38:14,278 need your help because I am helping an 593 00:38:14,278 --> 00:38:18,200 abusive wife in the church, and I don't 594 00:38:18,200 --> 00:38:24,554 know what to do.And then I began to listen 595 00:38:24,554 --> 00:38:29,402 And it's always the same thing that 596 00:38:29,402 --> 00:38:33,750 happens It's like if the abusers had am 597 00:38:33,750 --> 00:38:37,520 manual and they do everything it's almost 598 00:38:37,520 --> 00:38:42,046 the same And then the religious leaders 599 00:38:42,046 --> 00:38:45,342 respond also the same and they cannot do 600 00:38:45,342 --> 00:38:49,826 it They cannot call the Wife and the 601 00:38:49,826 --> 00:38:52,274 husband together to speak to them.They 602 00:38:52,274 --> 00:38:54,674 have to listen to them separately They 603 00:38:54,674 --> 00:38:58,322 have to be concerned when the husband 604 00:38:58,322 --> 00:39:01,014 begins to escalate like throwing things 605 00:39:01,014 --> 00:39:07,400 and they really don't know how to deal 606 00:39:07,400 --> 00:39:13,958 with it's because the trust the good image 607 00:39:13,958 --> 00:39:18,470 the abuser has in the community So it's 608 00:39:18,470 --> 00:39:22,378 very tough And I would say that read books 609 00:39:22,378 --> 00:39:25,934 about abuse listen to stories and let 610 00:39:25,934 --> 00:39:28,250 yourself be educated because it's very 611 00:39:28,250 --> 00:39:31,854 important Abuse is something that you have 612 00:39:31,854 --> 00:39:38,142 to be educated.It's not simple to 613 00:39:38,142 --> 00:39:42,130 understand It's like someone taken the 614 00:39:42,130 --> 00:39:47,042 place of God in your head and in your 615 00:39:47,042 --> 00:39:51,014 heart It's someone that wants to be 616 00:39:51,014 --> 00:39:57,240 idolized in your head in your heart and to 617 00:39:57,240 --> 00:40:03,910 control everything that you are So it's a 618 00:40:03,910 --> 00:40:10,938 very demonic thing And we have to be aware 619 00:40:10,938 --> 00:40:14,094 because sometimes and most of the times 620 00:40:14,094 --> 00:40:17,230 the abuser will not repent.It's very 621 00:40:17,230 --> 00:40:24,222 difficult It's a miracle And we have to be 622 00:40:24,222 --> 00:40:26,900 aware and protect the wife above the 623 00:40:26,900 --> 00:40:33,250 marriage Don't try to save the marriage 624 00:40:33,250 --> 00:40:36,354 when you see the wife is being destroyed 625 00:40:36,354 --> 00:40:41,174 save the wife first That's what I'm saying 626 00:40:41,174 --> 00:40:45,350 to people who come and ask for help.Such 627 00:40:45,350 --> 00:40:52,474 good advice And it brings us back to the 628 00:40:52,474 --> 00:40:58,138 beginning which is that God loves all 629 00:40:58,138 --> 00:41:01,034 human beings women included And beauty 630 00:41:01,034 --> 00:41:06,474 means the ability to flourish as well And 631 00:41:06,474 --> 00:41:10,382 so when marriage. human being is being 632 00:41:10,382 --> 00:41:13,818 crushed in an oppressive marriage or 633 00:41:13,818 --> 00:41:18,974 abused by a clergy member the it's adult 634 00:41:18,974 --> 00:41:21,954 clergy sexual abuse or childhood sexual 635 00:41:21,954 --> 00:41:24,180 abuse or spiritual emotional psychological 636 00:41:24,180 --> 00:41:26,594 financial physical abuse there's many 637 00:41:26,594 --> 00:41:28,734 types of us And so all of these elements 638 00:41:28,734 --> 00:41:32,038 certainly apply that you're talking about 639 00:41:32,038 --> 00:41:37,010 today.I just want to say thank you Norma 640 00:41:37,010 --> 00:41:39,814 for this conversation for the work a you 641 00:41:39,814 --> 00:41:42,630 do for continuing to speak at great 642 00:41:42,630 --> 00:41:46,330 personal risk of losing community and 643 00:41:46,330 --> 00:41:50,902 friends And that is a huge price you've 644 00:41:50,902 --> 00:41:56,486 had to pay that I wish you had never had 645 00:41:56,486 --> 00:41:59,086 to pay But I'm so grateful that you have 646 00:41:59,086 --> 00:42:02,110 and for your courage to speak out And 647 00:42:02,110 --> 00:42:03,914 you're using your brain and your heart and 648 00:42:03,914 --> 00:42:06,062 you're such a warm person And so I really 649 00:42:06,062 --> 00:42:08,590 hope that people listening today at are 650 00:42:08,590 --> 00:42:11,166 sort of beginning to consider these things 651 00:42:11,166 --> 00:42:12,626 might reach out.To you to learn more from 652 00:42:12,626 --> 00:42:14,306 you How can people find you And more of 653 00:42:14,306 --> 00:42:16,226 your writing and speaking.On Twitter I 654 00:42:16,226 --> 00:42:18,242 have to see because I changed my name 1 655 00:42:18,242 --> 00:42:22,258 second Yes On Twitter X I am Norma Braga V 656 00:42:22,258 --> 00:42:25,574 E N vencio It's my last name.And on ID 657 00:42:25,574 --> 00:42:28,566 Instagram I am Norma Braga Official It's 658 00:42:28,566 --> 00:42:30,326 official One F only in Portuguese Yes.And 659 00:42:30,326 --> 00:42:32,426 let me tell you something I already feel a 660 00:42:32,426 --> 00:42:34,026 little bit that the community of survivors 661 00:42:34,026 --> 00:42:42,266 on X is a little bit my community because 662 00:42:42,266 --> 00:42:53,390 I learned so much from you You know we met 663 00:42:53,390 --> 00:43:00,420 through X And I'm so grateful because I'm 664 00:43:00,420 --> 00:43:09,234 learning a lot from all of you from Lori 665 00:43:09,234 --> 00:43:17,222 Adams Brown from Hannah Kate and so many 666 00:43:17,222 --> 00:43:21,834 survivors And I'm very thankful for them 667 00:43:21,834 --> 00:43:24,506 because their voices helped something. a 668 00:43:24,506 --> 00:43:29,610 lot and a still helping me a lot.Oh I 669 00:43:29,610 --> 00:43:33,478 absolutely agree Love Lori a Brown and 670 00:43:33,478 --> 00:43:39,198 Hannah Kate As well and their courage and 671 00:43:39,198 --> 00:43:44,320 their voice to speak out about the 672 00:43:44,320 --> 00:43:48,434 childhood sexual abuse in the SBC and work 673 00:43:48,434 --> 00:43:50,926 for justice for all survivors including 674 00:43:50,926 --> 00:43:58,318 themselves has been very inspiring to many 675 00:43:58,318 --> 00:44:04,470 of us But you are also inspiring So thank 676 00:44:04,470 --> 00:44:09,558 you for the work a you do and we're going 677 00:44:09,558 --> 00:44:14,058 to a you to hang out for one more question 678 00:44:14,058 --> 00:44:15,786 with our difference maker community.But 679 00:44:15,786 --> 00:44:19,100 for now for the rest of us thank you so 680 00:44:19,100 --> 00:44:22,746 much for being on today and for this 681 00:44:22,746 --> 00:44:25,206 incredible conversation I hope that the 682 00:44:25,206 --> 00:44:27,434 church too movement as it unfolds in 683 00:44:27,434 --> 00:44:30,026 Brazil will be a space where we see beauty 684 00:44:30,026 --> 00:44:31,230 emerge from the ashes.Yes Thank you Thank 685 00:44:31,230 --> 00:44:32,206 you.I'm so changed because of my 686 00:44:32,206 --> 00:44:33,134 relationship now my friendship with Norma 687 00:44:33,134 --> 00:44:35,214 and the way that she brings her 688 00:44:35,214 --> 00:44:36,318 perspective of not only a firsthand 689 00:44:36,318 --> 00:44:37,626 experience as thank abuse survivor as a 690 00:44:37,626 --> 00:44:40,526 child but also just the incredible amount 691 00:44:40,526 --> 00:44:42,734 of depth and wisdom and knowledge and 692 00:44:42,734 --> 00:44:46,498 research that she has put into this Really 693 00:44:46,498 --> 00:44:51,838 a to learn a lot of it in a language 694 00:44:51,838 --> 00:44:57,714 that's not her mother tongue right Into 695 00:44:57,714 --> 00:45:00,002 researching because lot of this in English 696 00:45:00,002 --> 00:45:01,498 finding resources in the United States 697 00:45:01,498 --> 00:45:04,666 outside of her own country to help herself 698 00:45:04,666 --> 00:45:08,266 a other abuse survivors in this growing as 699 00:45:08,266 --> 00:45:12,458 church tomb movement there in Brazil And 700 00:45:12,458 --> 00:45:14,874 just knowing that many listening to this 701 00:45:14,874 --> 00:45:16,814 today are probably feeling impacted by 702 00:45:16,814 --> 00:45:19,806 what you've heard maybe you along with 703 00:45:19,806 --> 00:45:21,466 Norma are finding yourself listening to 704 00:45:21,466 --> 00:45:23,278 this podcast and having a similar 705 00:45:23,278 --> 00:45:25,946 experience to a she had when she heard Dr 706 00:45:25,946 --> 00:45:28,066 Diane Lamberg speak in person in 2015 at a 707 00:45:28,066 --> 00:45:30,766 reform conference there in Brazil and 708 00:45:30,766 --> 00:45:34,974 taking notes about abuse and suddenly 709 00:45:34,974 --> 00:45:38,306 having this incredibly difficult and dark 710 00:45:38,306 --> 00:45:40,418 and surprising realization that probably 711 00:45:40,418 --> 00:45:45,974 was shocking that she herself was also an 712 00:45:45,974 --> 00:45:47,702 abuse survivor.Because at 14 consent 713 00:45:47,702 --> 00:45:50,406 cannot be possible with are man who's 40 714 00:45:50,406 --> 00:45:53,106 years old and having lived a of those 715 00:45:53,106 --> 00:45:55,242 years not fully understanding what had 716 00:45:55,242 --> 00:45:58,026 happened to her of course is traumatic and 717 00:45:58,026 --> 00:46:00,518 can lead a depression and having to 718 00:46:00,518 --> 00:46:03,254 complete assignments taking school that 719 00:46:03,254 --> 00:46:07,918 are difficult Will of course because 720 00:46:07,918 --> 00:46:12,110 trauma really does affect one's ability to 721 00:46:12,110 --> 00:46:15,326 initiate because the brain is so impacted 722 00:46:15,326 --> 00:46:17,970 trying to process everything that has 723 00:46:17,970 --> 00:46:21,202 happened And so I just feel a lot of 724 00:46:21,202 --> 00:46:24,098 compassion for her when she shares her 725 00:46:24,098 --> 00:46:27,234 story And I know that she feels so much 726 00:46:27,234 --> 00:46:29,958 compassion for others who go through 727 00:46:29,958 --> 00:46:33,942 similar stories currently who are going 728 00:46:33,942 --> 00:46:37,126 through them or are suddenly realizing 729 00:46:37,126 --> 00:46:40,102 things about their past And this is why 730 00:46:40,102 --> 00:46:43,962 she speaks out so strongly to prevent.She 731 00:46:43,962 --> 00:46:46,138 wants to warn those in Brazil who are 732 00:46:46,138 --> 00:46:48,202 reading books in Portuguese translated 733 00:46:48,202 --> 00:46:50,778 from English about particular pastors here 734 00:46:50,778 --> 00:46:52,566 in the United States who've been abusive 735 00:46:52,566 --> 00:46:54,326 And if you join in on our Patreon 736 00:46:54,326 --> 00:46:56,574 conversation with her in our difference 737 00:46:56,574 --> 00:46:59,966 makers community she goes into detail more 738 00:46:59,966 --> 00:47:02,154 about a journalist here in the United 739 00:47:02,154 --> 00:47:05,102 States who has really done quite a bit of 740 00:47:05,102 --> 00:47:07,102 work around exposing the abuse behind 741 00:47:07,102 --> 00:47:09,778 several of these to And it was through the 742 00:47:09,778 --> 00:47:12,402 work of this particular journalist that 743 00:47:12,402 --> 00:47:16,994 also helped open up Norma's eyes to see 744 00:47:16,994 --> 00:47:20,486 some of these books that are being 745 00:47:20,486 --> 00:47:23,046 translated and read widely in Brazil And 746 00:47:23,046 --> 00:47:25,654 these pastors are coming to speak at large 747 00:47:25,654 --> 00:47:29,158 conferences with lots of people a and 748 00:47:29,158 --> 00:47:30,758 absorbing this information and these 749 00:47:30,758 --> 00:47:32,418 tactics which end up being silencing 750 00:47:32,418 --> 00:47:36,266 toward any abuse survivors that come out 751 00:47:36,266 --> 00:47:37,946 against any type of spiritual authority in 752 00:47:37,946 --> 00:47:40,874 these circles now in Brazil and it's only 753 00:47:40,874 --> 00:47:43,354 making also problem worse It's only taking 754 00:47:43,354 --> 00:47:45,166 the mistakes of what has happened in the 755 00:47:45,166 --> 00:47:47,514 United States culture and exporting that 756 00:47:47,514 --> 00:47:49,294 into a place that doesn't need any extra 757 00:47:49,294 --> 00:47:51,520 mistakes to be made.Every culture has 758 00:47:51,520 --> 00:47:58,174 enough of its own work to do without 759 00:47:58,174 --> 00:48:00,514 adding on issues from another culture on 760 00:48:00,514 --> 00:48:03,426 top of it all And so it's heartbreaking 761 00:48:03,426 --> 00:48:06,274 it's alarming I'm so grateful for Norma 762 00:48:06,274 --> 00:48:10,302 and her voice there in Brazil for those 763 00:48:10,302 --> 00:48:14,294 who are amplifying her voice thank you for 764 00:48:14,294 --> 00:48:15,174 doing that because she's certainly 765 00:48:15,174 --> 00:48:17,398 amplifying the voices of survivors as well 766 00:48:17,398 --> 00:48:19,878 a come to her and share information that 767 00:48:19,878 --> 00:48:22,566 helps her see the pattern of what's 768 00:48:22,566 --> 00:48:25,206 happening there And of course she holds 769 00:48:25,206 --> 00:48:27,674 stories and confidence when people ask for 770 00:48:27,674 --> 00:48:31,030 that But it also helps her to see the 771 00:48:31,030 --> 00:48:32,586 pattern when people share with her.And 772 00:48:32,586 --> 00:48:34,154 therefore she speaks out not just for 773 00:48:34,154 --> 00:48:36,094 herself although speaking out for herself 774 00:48:36,094 --> 00:48:38,574 would absolutely be worth all of it 775 00:48:38,574 --> 00:48:41,054 because every human being is precious and 776 00:48:41,054 --> 00:48:45,486 a child of God and and image bearer of God 777 00:48:45,486 --> 00:48:47,470 and is worth fighting for for justice for 778 00:48:47,470 --> 00:48:48,718 protection for healing for that redemption 779 00:48:48,718 --> 00:48:50,626 that we talked about with the Cristo 780 00:48:50,626 --> 00:48:51,906 Radentor statue there in Rio that's world 781 00:48:51,906 --> 00:48:54,014 famous You see pictures of this from all 782 00:48:54,014 --> 00:48:57,602 around the world I got to see the statue 783 00:48:57,602 --> 00:49:00,246 when I was there a few weeks ago And even 784 00:49:00,246 --> 00:49:03,542 when I was there Taylor Swift came in in 785 00:49:03,542 --> 00:49:05,206 concert and they changed the statue with 786 00:49:05,206 --> 00:49:08,530 these visual effects that look like a T 787 00:49:08,530 --> 00:49:12,786 shirt of Taylor Swift on the statue.This 788 00:49:12,786 --> 00:49:15,606 is that worldwide famous statue that is a 789 00:49:15,606 --> 00:49:17,322 reminder of there outstretched arms of 790 00:49:17,322 --> 00:49:20,346 Jesus wanting to offer us love and 791 00:49:20,346 --> 00:49:21,738 redemption for things we've done wrong but 792 00:49:21,738 --> 00:49:23,498 also things that have been done wrong to 793 00:49:23,498 --> 00:49:25,402 us And that's the part we often miss The 794 00:49:25,402 --> 00:49:27,806 work of justice is in that shame with 795 00:49:27,806 --> 00:49:31,386 honor and restoring what was broken and 796 00:49:31,386 --> 00:49:32,698 making wrongs right and working for 797 00:49:32,698 --> 00:49:35,246 hEaling It's not just about quick easy 798 00:49:35,246 --> 00:49:37,726 cheap grace a forgiveness It's about the 799 00:49:37,726 --> 00:49:39,886 deep work of restoration and 800 00:49:39,886 --> 00:49:41,794 reconciliation and redemption and not 801 00:49:41,794 --> 00:49:43,630 putting that burden on the 802 00:49:43,630 --> 00:49:45,874 victim.Survivors themselves but the ones 803 00:49:45,874 --> 00:49:47,362 who perpetrated the abuse to be the ones 804 00:49:47,362 --> 00:49:49,110 to do that hard work those around that 805 00:49:49,110 --> 00:49:52,434 person to not live in betrayal blindness 806 00:49:52,434 --> 00:49:55,286 but to call them to account restoring not 807 00:49:55,286 --> 00:49:57,462 platform people who have abused in our 808 00:49:57,462 --> 00:50:01,770 country and also send them to other 809 00:50:01,770 --> 00:50:04,166 countries to teach other people tactics 810 00:50:04,166 --> 00:50:06,314 that cover up and don't expose the 811 00:50:06,314 --> 00:50:10,394 darkness to help us heal but instead 812 00:50:10,394 --> 00:50:13,274 replace that with an openness a truth a 813 00:50:13,274 --> 00:50:15,706 transparency that allows people to work 814 00:50:15,706 --> 00:50:17,054 for prevention so that others are not 815 00:50:17,054 --> 00:50:19,760 victimized but also to hold people to 816 00:50:19,760 --> 00:50:22,686 account to make wrongs right and to stop 817 00:50:22,686 --> 00:50:25,006 abusing others and using their position of 818 00:50:25,006 --> 00:50:27,058 prestige and respect and spiritual 819 00:50:27,058 --> 00:50:29,266 authority to hide the dark deeds that are 820 00:50:29,266 --> 00:50:33,406 done to other and continue to do so So I 821 00:50:33,406 --> 00:50:36,962 really appreciate the work that Norma is 822 00:50:36,962 --> 00:50:40,566 doing I know it's such an uphill a and 823 00:50:40,566 --> 00:50:44,134 she's lost so much of her previous 824 00:50:44,134 --> 00:50:46,242 community in order to speak out against 825 00:50:46,242 --> 00:50:49,014 this And her courage is incredibly 826 00:50:49,014 --> 00:50:51,430 inspiring And I believe her in her own 827 00:50:51,430 --> 00:50:55,766 story and I'm so grateful to call her 828 00:50:55,766 --> 00:50:58,198 friend and she's really impacted my life 829 00:50:58,198 --> 00:50:59,674 in a significant way.So if you're 830 00:50:59,674 --> 00:51:01,882 listening now from Brazil anywhere in 831 00:51:01,882 --> 00:51:04,266 South America here in the United States 832 00:51:04,266 --> 00:51:06,206 work anywhere in the world I hope that you 833 00:51:06,206 --> 00:51:08,782 do go follow her on Twitter to hear more 834 00:51:08,782 --> 00:51:11,374 of what she's in that you look for her 835 00:51:11,374 --> 00:51:14,878 book that will be coming out that you look 836 00:51:14,878 --> 00:51:17,086 for her on YouTube or any other place 837 00:51:17,086 --> 00:51:18,766 where she's speaking out against these 838 00:51:18,766 --> 00:51:21,054 things She does so at great personal risk 839 00:51:21,054 --> 00:51:22,962 because she cares so deeply about 840 00:51:22,962 --> 00:51:25,230 prevention and helping people heal and 841 00:51:25,230 --> 00:51:26,654 calling our faith based spaces to be 842 00:51:26,654 --> 00:51:27,746 places of healing truth transparency and 843 00:51:27,746 --> 00:51:30,334 protection for the vulnerable And that we 844 00:51:30,334 --> 00:51:32,546 are nowhere near the word oppression that 845 00:51:32,546 --> 00:51:34,566 we are the opposite But we are serving we 846 00:51:34,566 --> 00:51:36,854 are loving we are making places safe 847 00:51:36,854 --> 00:51:38,246 psychologically physically relationally 848 00:51:38,246 --> 00:51:39,046 spiritually sexually financially safe 849 00:51:39,046 --> 00:51:41,914 Places where we can thrive and flourish 850 00:51:41,914 --> 00:51:44,902 together.And that takes some hard work 851 00:51:44,902 --> 00:51:47,926 There's because lot of work to be done And 852 00:51:47,926 --> 00:51:51,706 I'm so glad that people like her live in 853 00:51:51,706 --> 00:51:55,958 Rio are doing this work And for all of 854 00:51:55,958 --> 00:51:58,634 those who are supporting her thank you 855 00:51:58,634 --> 00:52:01,454 Because doing this alone is not easy.And 856 00:52:01,454 --> 00:52:03,562 we need support and we need more voices to 857 00:52:03,562 --> 00:52:05,802 amplify each other and these perspectives 858 00:52:05,802 --> 00:52:10,622 So we bring these perspectives around the 859 00:52:10,622 --> 00:52:14,514 table with our differences and we make a 860 00:52:14,514 --> 00:52:15,650 difference together And Norma is 861 00:52:15,650 --> 00:52:16,706 absolutely one of those people making a 862 00:52:16,706 --> 00:52:18,482 difference there in Rio So grateful to 863 00:52:18,482 --> 00:52:20,718 know her and grateful that if you haven't 864 00:52:20,718 --> 00:52:24,434 known her until today that you get to be 865 00:52:24,434 --> 00:52:27,106 introduced to her too Please continue to 866 00:52:27,106 --> 00:52:29,606 follow her and the work that she does and 867 00:52:29,606 --> 00:52:31,606 once again join us in our difference maker 868 00:52:31,606 --> 00:52:34,146 community to learn more and go a little 869 00:52:34,146 --> 00:52:36,474 bit deeper in this conversation.I ask her 870 00:52:36,474 --> 00:52:39,546 there to a more about her own personal 871 00:52:39,546 --> 00:52:40,778 firsthand experience of being an abuse 872 00:52:40,778 --> 00:52:42,886 survivor and what tools and strategies 873 00:52:42,886 --> 00:52:44,746 worked for her and are continuing to work 874 00:52:44,746 --> 00:52:46,458 for her specifically in her own healing 875 00:52:46,458 --> 00:52:48,202 journey as she continues to help others 876 00:52:48,202 --> 00:52:49,758 heal And that conversation was pretty 877 00:52:49,758 --> 00:52:51,226 impactful for me So I hope that you join 878 00:52:51,226 --> 00:52:53,678 us there You can go to www Dot Patreon 879 00:52:53,678 --> 00:52:54,746 A world of difference and 880 00:52:54,746 --> 00:52:56,574 you'll get all kinds of exclusive content 881 00:52:56,574 --> 00:52:58,110 that is just available there for our 882 00:52:58,110 --> 00:53:00,718 difference maker community.You can join us 883 00:53:00,718 --> 00:53:04,386 for as little as 5 and month which is the 884 00:53:04,386 --> 00:53:07,106 price of your regular late every week If 885 00:53:07,106 --> 00:53:10,294 you go do that But yeah for an entire 886 00:53:10,294 --> 00:53:13,702 month just as little as 5 you can get a 887 00:53:13,702 --> 00:53:15,506 bunch of exclusive interviews with all 888 00:53:15,506 --> 00:53:19,826 different guests I've had here on the show 889 00:53:19,826 --> 00:53:26,090 and some other fun things like Lori's 890 00:53:26,090 --> 00:53:27,734 travel tips and opportunities to speak 891 00:53:27,734 --> 00:53:30,490 into the podcast So yeah join us there You 892 00:53:30,490 --> 00:53:32,666 can also do a preview of the conversation 893 00:53:32,666 --> 00:53:35,482 with any of the previous guests and if you 894 00:53:35,482 --> 00:53:38,390 like what your see then you can sign 895 00:53:38,390 --> 00:53:41,022 up.Glad to have you join us there where we 896 00:53:41,022 --> 00:53:42,606 go a little bit deeper into conversations 897 00:53:42,606 --> 00:53:44,446 around how to make a difference together 898 00:53:44,446 --> 00:53:46,206 It's all very special community that means 899 00:53:46,206 --> 00:53:49,514 a lot to me So I was glad to have her on 900 00:53:49,514 --> 00:53:51,374 there for another exclusive interview So 901 00:53:51,374 --> 00:53:52,866 yeah the world of difference 902 00:53:52,866 --> 00:53:54,830 Thank you also much for every one.Of you 903 00:53:54,830 --> 00:53:57,714 out there making a difference all around 904 00:53:57,714 --> 00:53:59,506 the world I really appreciate you and 905 00:53:59,506 --> 00:54:01,346 would love to hear more about what you're 906 00:54:01,346 --> 00:54:02,466 doing So always reach out to me on Twitter 907 00:54:02,466 --> 00:54:04,438 at Loriadbr I'm conversations Instagram at 908 00:54:04,438 --> 00:54:06,102 Lori Adams Brown Not as often on Facebook 909 00:54:06,102 --> 00:54:07,574 but you can occasionally find me there.But 910 00:54:07,574 --> 00:54:09,334 of course would love to hear from you and 911 00:54:09,334 --> 00:54:12,518 what you're doing to make a difference 912 00:54:12,518 --> 00:54:15,482 Take care of your one and keep Making a 913 00:54:15,482 --> 00:54:17,338 difference wherever you are Bye undefined 914 00:54:17,338 --> 00:54:18,426 undefined undefined undefined undefined 915 00:54:18,426 --> 00:54:19,818 undefined undefined undefined undefined 916 00:54:19,818 --> 00:54:21,402 undefined undefined undefined undefined 917 00:54:21,402 --> 00:54:22,074 undefined undefined undefined undefined 918 00:54:22,074 --> 00:54:23,046 undefined undefined undefined undefined 919 00:54:23,046 --> 00:54:23,994 undefined undefined undefined undefined 920 00:54:23,994 --> 00:54:24,938 undefined undefined undefined undefined 921 00:54:24,938 --> 00:54:27,206 undefined undefined undefined undefined 922 00:54:27,206 --> 00:54:28,534 undefined undefined undefined undefined 923 00:54:28,534 --> 00:54:30,586 undefined undefined undefined undefined 924 00:54:30,586 --> 00:54:31,626 undefined undefined undefined undefined 925 00:54:31,626 --> 00:54:32,634 undefined undefined undefined undefined 926 00:54:32,634 --> 00:54:34,426 undefined undefined undefined undefined 927 00:54:34,426 --> 00:54:35,578 undefined undefined undefined undefined 928 00:54:35,578 --> 00:54:36,258 undefined undefined undefined undefined 929 00:54:36,258 --> 00:54:36,786 undefined undefined undefined undefined 930 00:54:36,786 --> 00:54:38,226 undefined undefined undefined undefined 931 00:54:38,226 --> 00:54:38,834 undefined undefined undefined undefined 932 00:54:38,834 --> 00:54:39,538 undefined undefined undefined undefined 933 00:54:39,538 --> 00:54:41,106 undefined undefined undefined undefined