Discover the unexpected link between burnout prevention and embracing Hygge. You won't believe how cozy Danish secrets can transform your resilience. Dive into the world of body awareness, healthy boundaries, and the power o…
Do you want to understand how survivors of religious trauma are finding the strength to reclaim their lives and make a difference? Join us as we explore a story of resilience, transformation, and healing in the face of relig…
A new year brings time to reflect, and time to prepare for what is ahead. Does 2025 cause you to hope or tremble? Either way, we can learn to lead through complex challenges by taking lessons from times where multiple crises…
Does this sound familiar? Have you been told to just forgive and forget, to move on and put it all behind you, but the pain of not being believed or supported after abuse is still lingering? The ineffective advice you've bee…
Celebrating an outstanding year of podcasting, gratitude for the listeners in 100 countries who are Difference Makers, and a clip of the New Year episode in 2025.
Discover the unexpected side of a remarkable leader, Julie Castro Abrams, as she shares her journey and vision for women's empowerment. Stay tuned to find out her surprising hopes for 2025 and the inspiring work she's doing …
Does this sound familiar? Have you been told that the key to finding your next role is to simply upload your resume and wait for the perfect opportunity? Yet, there you are, feeling stuck and frustrated, with no results in s…
Have you heard the myths about the future of work talent management strategies? Let's debunk three myths: 1. Internal talent marketplaces only benefit employees, 2. Skills-based hiring practices limit diversity, and 3. Women…
Do you want to become a part of a movement that empowers women and gender expansive creators, providing them with opportunities to showcase their talents and secure fair pay? If you're ready to be a part of this transformati…
Do you want to truly understand the impact of international adoption and the complex web of privilege and bias it entails? If you're seeking the solution to this, then join me as we delve into this eye-opening conversation t…
If you're feeling bewildered and unsure about how to navigate the influence of white male voters in the US election, then you are not alone! The current political landscape can leave you feeling overwhelmed and lost, especia…
Have you ever heard these myths about voting as a Christian woman? 1) You have to vote a certain way to be a good Christian. 2) Your vote doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. 3) Politics and faith should neve…
Do you want to join a movement that's changing the face of American democracy and empowering women of color like never before? Imagine being part of electing the first woman of color as the President of the United States. I'…
Do you want to make an informed decision on voting for women's rights? I will be sharing the solution so that you can achieve that result. Let's dive into the impact of voting on abortion policies, Kamala Harris' stance on w…
Do you want to experience increased self-awareness and empowerment as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse? Learn how to navigate the journey of healing and recovery with a special guest who shares her inspiring story and in…
Want to understand the impact of evangelicalism on politics and how to make a difference? Discover how a historian, NY Times best-selling author and filmmaker are centering survivor voices to bring about change. Get ready to…
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of neurodiversity in relationships, constantly trying to meet societal expectations and feeling isolated, then you are not alone! The journey to understanding and supporting ne…
Have you ever heard these myths about gender equality in the church? 1. Women are not called to preach or lead. 2. Men are the only ones fit for leadership roles. 3. Women should only serve in supportive roles. A new childre…
Are you ready to uncover the unexpected connection between racial justice and Christianity in US history? Get ready to be inspired and engaged as we reveal the surprising insights from this powerful conversation. Stay tuned …
If you're feeling the weight of past trauma and struggling to heal, then you are not alone! The journey to healing from abuse and trauma is often filled with challenges, and finding the right tools to navigate this journey c…
Does your workplace feel like a battleground at times? Have you been told to just toughen up and deal with it? The pain of workplace bullying can be isolating and damaging to your mental health, leaving you feeling trapped a…
Does this sound familiar? You've been told to work harder, take on more tasks, and just push through those workplace challenges, but the pain of feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and undervalued still lingers. It's time for a d…
Spiritual abuse is often minimized and dismissed, yet those who are abused experience embodied injuires. Karen Roudkovski shares her research in her latest book.